File src/Tester.php

class Tlf\Tester

Base class for test classes
See source code at /src/Tester.php



  • protected $catchers = [];
  • protected $assertions = ['pass'=> 0, 'fail'=>0]; Comparisons from a single test. Should be reset between tests.
  • protected $enabled = true;
  • protected $options = [];
  • public $cli = null; The cli class used to run the tests
  • public string $current_test = null; The string name of the method being called for the current test. Like "testSomething"


  • public function __construct(array $options=[], $clinull)
  • public function throwError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
  • public function onBeforeTest()
  • public function backward_compatability()
  • public function get_test_methods() Get array of test methods names
  • public function get_test_name($method_name): string get a readable name from a test method name
  • public function run_test_method($method)
  • public function print_test_results($test)
  • public function run() Run tests